Monday, February 7, 2011

February is here

Today everyone had the blues about the Steelers loss except, well, me. I'm sorry that they lost but I do wonder if their success on the field is proportionately tied to all the hype done by the local news. I'm sure Green Bay had their over the top excesses too, but the local news became a little much.I'm glad the whole damn thing is over! Now we can get onto the important things like the shootings and mayhem.

The right wing launched an Acorn like video sneak attack on Planned Parenthood. From what I'm guessing the video was of course heavily edited to make Planned Parenthood look in the least favorable light as possible. And now some gay activists are worried we will be targeted too. So a note of common sense advice. If a woman or man comes into your office(s) and says they are a pimp looking for any kind of services for their underage prostitutes, be very, very careful.

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