Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A New York state of mind

New York state just passed a law allowing gay folks to marry. Pat Robertson promptly declared this means the end of America and civilization. Personally, and my lovely partner Sue would agree with me, I think the LGBT community made a mistake in pushing for marriage equality. I think passing a law giving the LGBT community the right to work without being fired, the right to housing and other protections is more important than the right to marry. Too many members of the community live in fear of being fired, of losing housing, of suffering economic hardship if they come out. I think this needs to be corrected as much as obtaining the right to marry.  

Having said this, this is still a major victory along the civil rights continuum for the LGBT community and should be celebrated. Is this an omen of the decline of America? I doubt it. The irony is that America is in decline because of the actions of wealthy white (mostly male) millionaires/billionaires who probably pal around with Robertson. The same men who began in the 1980"s to export all of our manufacturing of steel, cars, clothes, appliances overseas where they can exploit foreign labor in places like Hong Kong and Mexico while not paying fair wages and getting around environmental and safety standards. My maternal grandfather worked for a mill as a welder (and was unionized) and made a fair enough wage that he was able to purchase a car, appliances and take vacations. Not something you can do in the "service industry" making $10.00 an hour. But the rich white men who own these plants/industries know this. This is why the rich are getting richer by the minute and the middle class is fading away. This is not  a very good recipe for Democracy. The Republicans blame Obama for high unemployment, but where are you supposed to get a job when we don't make anything here anymore? This has been happening long before Obama became president.

I saw an article on CNN calling Michelle Bachmann a Christian feminist? Are you kidding me? Just another way the right-wing is defining feminism and distorting it.

Well it"s time to wrap up. My lunch hour is over.

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